Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Au Revoir?
How can I say goodbye to the one I love the most
The only source of life in this cruel and painful world
Life without you is meaningless
Life without you is cold
Life without you is nothing but void
Shadows turn me into hate
and hate turn me into anger
What monster have I become?
Without you I am nothing more than a lump of carbon
Breathing... moving... walking like these pathetic humans
I am nothing more than them without you
How can I say goodbye?
It is you I love and cared for the most
What must I do for you to be mine?

My passion binds me to my love
and my love binds me to you
I am bound to you
I am yours but you are not mine
How painful can it be?
You are a million miles away

Which road shall I choose

I choose the road though I know painful every second that I take

just to be with you

I love you

only time will tell when will that love fade
fate will be the judge of what of I to become
God will be our guide of what steps I take

for now I am nothing more than a lump of carbon
roaming pointlessly in this desolated earth
sworn to care and protect you

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Au Revoir

Can I say good bye
Will I have the power to say it?
Au revoir est un mot que je ne dirai jamais à toi
I love you and i shall never let go
Just as stubborn as the mountain
Never bowing to the wind how hard as she blows
Ce que je dois sacrifier pour être avec toi
So that I may not say good bye
Life without love is cruel
Life without care is painful
Life without you is nothing

Monday, May 22, 2006


mes sentiments pour toi n'ont jamais changé
time passed
trees withered and sprouted
but my feelings for you neverchanged
the way it is when i fell in love with you
comme si comme dedans un charme magique
i painfully stood by watching you smile gently
slowly i stood as i whithered knowing you love someone
seeing your sweet smile strengthens me
mes sentiments pour toi n'ont jamais changé
through the tides of time
invulnerable as the rocks and mysterious as the stars in the sky
je sais que mes sentiments pour toi dureront pour toujours
je t'aime - c'est ce qui I mon sentiment pour toi


An angel born in light and love
Beatuy unsurpassed by any other beings
How high are you up there
Can't i be there with you
Hold me into your arms as we reach for the stars
Protect me with your sword from the evils i bear
Guide me with your light for i walk a dimmed path
O Seraph, what must i sacrifice to be with you
Everything, my life i give up to be with you
You wave your swod and stay away
Why can't we be together
O lovely Seraph

Friday, May 05, 2006


On the night I first saw you, my dreams came gushing up
Like a fountain full of beatuiful memoirs
Falling leaves gently falling on my shoulders
Like snow softly kissing the white rooftops
I want to fall asleep holding you
I want to fall asleep holding you in my arms
If this is a dream don't wake me up
Because only in a dream i can hold you tight
I want to fall asleep holding you
Never let you go
Safe and sound in your arms I sleep
Hence find true comfort my soul has been longing for so long
Just a while more
Gently I was smiling
I want to fall asleep holding you in my arms


What pain is greater than this i bear, if there is let me feel it instead of this agony. Every breath is a torture ... every pulse is pain. Agony is the only thing i feel ... hate is only the language i speak. Unexplainable as the universe's start, i do not know why i feel this way. My pain is legendary, only your love will ease it. When shall i feel it? Only time will tell and only God knows.


How i wish im in his place; holding, touching, and caressing your gentle hand. What i must sacrifice to feed this envy of mine. Shadows cannot hide the pain it brings my soul. Bond unbreakable even by the tides and wrath of nature, is this love? How i wish i am with you, beside you every miniute i breath. O darkness hide my pain! But let it remain 'till i can be with her only then envy will recede along with this pain i bore for a long time.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


What is the purpose of my exsistence in this world. If that purpose was already taken by somebody elese. This feeling I can't keep, I hide behind my blackened eye and darkened heart. Shadows help me hide, as i walk blindfolded in the darkness. Help me find the light, because amidst light - a faint light cannot be found. In darkness the faintest light can shine as the stars shine at night.