Wednesday, September 20, 2006


A withered rose
Under the silver moonlight
Along with the sweet song of the wind
And the gentle caress of the rain
Longing care from the heavens
Longing care from above
O heavens cry out to it
Hear it's melancholy song
O heavens in which hands you put it
A withered rose's care
A fragile thing under great pain
May be plucked without remorse
With hate and with lust
From dawn till dusk
What is such judgement passed upon
The poor withered one
Gazing under the silver streak of moonlight
Under the commanding gaze of the sky
Shall look upon the poor withered one
And protect it from the devilish one

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Flying with the gentle whisper of the cold night
Shimmering radiantly under the pale moonlight
Dancing steadily around the withered funeral flowers
Warily circling the flickering candlelight
Enticing once lively flowers blooming under the sky
Coldness... ah the coldness
Under the gaze of the moon and the gleaming darkness above
Gently. each flap brings coldness
A bliss of gentleness and a string of pain
Goodbye to those flowers long gone
Celebrating the life once fully captivated
Goodbye to the rose that flowerd blood
Bringin sweet scents and everlasting pain
Oh sweet butterfly ... entice no longer
Such withered petals these flowers possess
Hear this song these flowers cry out to you